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Your support helps us fight psoriatic disease. Globally.

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Support our fight against psoriatic disease.


It is estimated that at least 60 million people worldwide are living with psortiatic disease. IFPA is fighting for a future where all people living with psoriatic disease enjoy good health and wellbeing, free from stigma and preventable disability and comorbidities.

The time for action is now

IFPA is the only global organization representing and uniting all people living with psoriatic disease – regardless of where they live, what type of psoriatic disease they have or how it impacts their lives. Despite many achievements over the past 50 years, people living with psoriatic disease continue to experience significant unmet needs. IFPA has succeeded in gaining political support and recognition for people living with psoriatic disease. Now, it is time to move toward action and implementation. IFPA will continue to speak up for people living with psoriatic disease, demanding greater recognition and urging countries to take responsibility for delivering on the recommendations sent out in the Global Report on Psoriasis.

Your donation will help us continue advocating for our global priorities

  • Equal access to treatment, specialists and individualized care
  • Early diagnosis of psoriatic disease
  • Making healthcare providers aware of psoriatic disease
  • Stop stigma
  • Change the perception of psoriatic disease and call for consensus on categorizing severity
  • Multidisciplinary care
  • Link psoriatic disease and mental health
  • Join forces with family and community

Read more about IFPAs goals here.

Help us do important work.

The burden

Psoriatic disease is a systemic condition affecting multiple body sites. It is a chronic, noncommunicable, painful, disfiguring and disabling disease for which there is no cure. It can have a significant, negative impact on an individual's quality of life. Psoriatic disease is an immune-mediated disease whose cause remains unclear. It is associated with significant comorbidities, including cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, depression and arthritis.

By donating to IFPA, donors donors are given the chance to directly support IFPA in our mission to unite, strengthen and lead the global psoriatic disease community to improve the lives of all people affected by psoriatic disease.

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