Rare GPP Campaign in Spain

04 October 2023

By Acción Psoriasis

Acción Psoriasis (the Spanish association of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis patients and their relatives) with the support of GPP Fund, has created an awareness-raising campaign that aims to make the general Spanish-speaking public (Spain and Latin America) aware of this rare type of psoriasis and eliminate the stigma caused by their ignorance. The project has received a grant of 14 550 EUR.

The Rare GPP Campaign consists of different actions: the main one is a campaign on social media to make GPP known to the general Spanish-speaking public (Spain and Latin America), and to eliminate the rejection and stigma.

The campaign shows GPP patients in a positive light. In addition, we want to create a strong community among patients that know the resources that we have available in our association. For this, we will provide a variety of support material: GPP website, videos of health professionals, videos of patient testimonials and a group on FB. We will also carry out political advocacy actions, specifically to sensitize the political and health to GPP and the best approach to it.