Report of the 2023 World Psoriasis Day Kenya held at United Kenya Club

09 February 2024

By Hoseah Waweru


Venue: United Kenya Club

Date: 28th October 2023

Introduction, welcoming remarks and official opening

The meeting begun with an opening prayer followed by introduction of members present. The participants were then taken through the program for the day.

Welcome remarks by the Chairman Psoriasis Association Of Kenya:

The Chairman gave the opening remarks and welcomed all participants and introduced the PAK secretariat. He wished the participants productive deliberations and the symposium officially opened.

All participants introduced themselves and the program began running.

Symposium preliminaries and overview of the years WPD theme ACCESS TO ALL:

Dr Waweru took the participants through an analysis of the theme Access to All.

Participants had an interactive session defining what Universal coverage and access to all is and what it meant to them.

The participants had a robust discussion about access to healthcare as patients and if they felt that we had achieved that as a country. Most members agreed that we are yet to achieve that but are on the right track.

A question on biologics and their availability to all was also brought up. It was agreed that they are indeed available but not necessarily for all due to how expensive they are. Participants had a discussion as to what can be done to make drugs readily available without a psoriasis patient having to break the bank. All this in line with the theme for the year ‘ACCESS TO ALL’’

Tina engaged the participants in setting out the symposium engagement rules, she later took them through the objectives of the symposium and the members expectations.


Dr Angwenyi did a presentation on psoriatic disease, & comorbidities

The participants had an interactive session with Dr Angwenyi tackling the topic of how psoriasis affects the patient’s quality of life and mental health.

Dr Angwenyi gave the participants time to ask questions and she answered the same in an interactive Q&A session.


Amb. Rose Boit took the participants through the topic of stress and psoriasis.

She shared her personal story about how stress made her psoriasis worse due to the strenuous working conditions at the time.


A patient, David Irungu narrated his experience living with psoriasis, the challenges he faces and how he embraced this condition and embarked on his journey of raising awareness about psoriatic disease.


The Chairman expressed his gratitude for the participation of all.

He then proceeded to answer any questions that participants had I relation to PAK and psoriatic disease.

Members suggested that WPD 2024 should be different and that PAK should look into planning a march.

With the few remarks, the WPD symposium 2023 meeting was officially closed and members led to the area where lunch was served.