World Psoriasis Day 2022 in Denmark
07 March 2023
By Lars Werner
For WPD 2022, Psoriasisforeningen (the Danish Psoriasis Association) ran a campaign with a focus on children and young people and the challenges families with psoriasis in Denmark face today ─ in the shape of an awareness campaign which depicts the disease from a children-youth perspective and gathers knowledge and resources for the families.
Many have their first flare up as a child or adolescent which can have a major impact on childhood and adolescence as well as on the family as a whole. Also for the parents, it can be an ordeal, and many feel alone and lack information and guidance. Furthermore, research indicates that people with an early onset of psoriasis can experience a heavier disease burden and have a harder time managing the disease as adults. Consequently, children and young people with psoriasis require a special focus, and as we frequently say: when psoriasis affects a child the disease moves in with the entire family.
This is the basis for our WPD 22 campaign, thematizing precisely children and young people and the challenges they and their families face. Further, this ties in with IFPA’s mental health theme of WPD 22 in terms of contributing to and advocating for the wellbeing of future generations with psoriatic disease and the importance of early intervention in this respect.
This year, the execution of our WPD efforts as a whole was based on a classic awareness campaign mainly digital, comprising the following components:
- Digital campaign via facebook and Instagram adverts with the following creative content (campaign period 26/10-24/11):
- Two main videos in selfie format, each with a parent and a child sharing their stories and
insights into living with psoriasis for the child/adolescent and family: - Video with Lise and daughter Kaya of 15:
- Video with Pia and daughter Karla of 13:
- 5 visual graphics with quotes from the subjects in 2 versions/formats (square and story).
- Campaign site at compiling all campaign materials and messages as well as resources for the families (all ads link to the campaign site).
- Half a page newspaper advert in national newspaper Jyllands-Postens insert ’A life with chronic illness’, published 29/10 for approx. 196.000 readers nationwide incl. e-paper and direct hyperlink to the campaign site.
- Press release on the challenges in the treatment of psoriasis in children and young people in Denmark as a political message and news hook angled on the at the time current national election for parliament, distributed 28/10:
- News article on and all of Psoriasisforeningen’s media channels presenting the
The campaign was rolled out via adverts on Psoriasisforeningen’s facebook and Instagram pages through 10 content posts, the month-long campaign organized in two phases, a so-called funnel marketing strategi. In the first phase comprising the first two weeks, the adverts’ call to action was to watch the videos to establish/increase awareness of psoriatic diseases and of Psoriasisforeningen. For the second phase and remainder of the campaign period, the adverts encouraged users to seek information and community at Psoriasisforeningen via the campaign site.
The results of the campaign exceeded expectations on all key performance indicators (KPI’s) but one:
- Reach: KPI: 140.000 unique individuals – result: 249.600.
- Exposure (number of times users have been exposed to a campaign post): KPI: 400.000 – result: 692.092.
- Click to website: KPI: 1500 – result: 6048.
- Through-plays (number of times the videos have been watched to the end or 15 seconds at least): KPI: 60.000 – result: 52.707.
- Furthermore, the campaign generated in total 562 reactions (likes, hearts, lol-emoji etc.), 25 comments, 66 shares and in general all positive facebook reactions, which all in all is deemed a great performance.
The results are deemed very satisfactory considering both our previous professional experience and comparable campaigns. Conclusively, the campaign has more than succeeded on our most crucial parameters as an awareness campaign, exceeded the associations’ expectations and finally has provided useful learnings and strategies for future projects. E.g., increasing the use of storytelling going forward as an effective creative tool for generating awareness.