Guidance And Tools To Support Patient Advocates To Take Action On The IFPA Forum Asia 2023 Roadmap

IFPA Asia Action Playbook

14 February 2024


In July 2023, stakeholders gathered in Singapore for the IFPA Forum Asia. The Forum brought together stakeholders from the psoriatic community to promote regional action. The focus was on the Asia Pacific region, but global representation gave the Forum an international perspective. Psoriatic associations, thought leaders, people living with psoriatic disease, civil society representatives, medical professionals, and private sector representatives collaborated to find ways to overcome gaps and discussed the need for new ways of working together.

IFPA Forum has set the course, and it is now up to patient associations, other stakeholders involved in the cause, and people living with psoriatic disease, in every country, to implement the learnings from the IFPA Forum.

This Playbook offers practical assistance to advocates and members of patient organizations in their efforts to raise awareness and recognition of psoriatic disease as a significant health issue that requires enhanced treatment and care.

The Playbook:

  • Inspires action on the IFPA Forum Roadmap Asia recommendations
  • Provides quick and easy access to relevant tools and resources
  • Offers helpful guidance or advocacy tips

The IFPA Forum Roadmap Asia is a cross-sector collaborative effort that draws on insights and input from psoriatic disease patient associations, public health actors, and the pharmaceutical industry to formulate specific recommendations.

Read the Roadmap

Read the report to learn more!