report Reports, IFPA Conference
Impact of Psoriatic Arthritis from the Perspective of People Living with the Condition
29 September 2023
Results of an Online Survey
Almost 700 people living with psoriatic arthritis from across Europe, South Africa and Turkey have responded to an online survey on the impact of living with their condition. Respondents shared how the condition impacted their mental health, how they see the link between their skin and joints and the level of involvement of their healthcare specialist. Results revealed the impact that even ‘small’ levels of skin plaques can have on mental health and quality of life. The impact of ‘small’ plaques is significant with high numbers of people feeling affected across many aspects of their daily lives, from family and romantic life to professional life and sporting activities.
Key Findings:
- Research featured nearly 700 people from across 7 countries
- Even with ‘just’ 2% of the body surface area impacted (BSA), 88% of people reported that their self-esteem and confidence were impacted because of the skin plaques
- 80% of patients said that having even 2% BSA had an impact on their social life
- 98% of people reported adopting strategies to help them cope with their ‘small’ skin plaques
- 59% of people consider their skin problems as a separate condition to their joint issues
- (Only) 38% of people said their rheumatologist asked them about their skin
Research conducted by Carenity for Janssen Pharmaceutica NV
Field work dates: 14 November 2022 to 28 February 2023

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