Effective primary care support in the management of psoriatic disease

Psoriatic disease and primary care

24 September 2019


If the global community is to realize its commitments to universal health coverage and to health and well-being for all, health systems will need to embrace new models of care delivery for diagnosing, treating, and managing people living with chronic conditions. Psoriatic disease representative of many chronic diseases in that they require long-term care, access and adherence to treatment, psychosocial support, and coordination across multidisciplinary care providers. A primary care-coordinated approach to psoriatic disease management—wherein a specialist leads on disease treatment approaches, but a primary care provider ensures adequate consideration and management of co-morbidities and facilitates linkages to social support—could serve as an instructive benchmark and point of reference in the development of similar care models for managing other chronic non-communicable diseases.

Read the report on psoriatic disease and primary care

Check out IFPA's resources for universal health coverage