Shedding Light on Psoriasis
22 February 2023
By Almirall
On World Psoriasis Day 2022, IFPA and Almirall celebrated a new edition of Shedding Light on Psoriasis
In this new edition, Joel Nelson and Karina Chávez, IFPA Ambassadors, shed light on their life stories going from darkness to the most hopeful side of the disease. Shedding Light on Psoriasis aims to shed light on the stories of people living with the disease and show how its dark side affects their mental health, quality of life and the stigma they suffer from society. To do this, renowned illustrator Beatriz Ramo (@naranjalidad) has created a portrait of the two IFPA Ambassadors painting they journey with psoriasis: the struggles and achievements they have made throughout their lives.
Joel and Karina have definitely been a source of inspiration teaching everyone that there is light and hope on this life journey if you rely on your family, friends, doctors, psychologists or patient organizations like IFPA.
To start off the World Psoriasis Day Week, we invited IFPA’s Executive Director, Frida Dunger, to our Headquarters in Barcelona to unveil the campaign and to share with Almirall employees IFPA’s mission, explaining how they support people living with psoriasis. Not only this, but Almirall employees also had the chance to be part of the unveiling of the campaign visuals through a cube that was placed in Almirall Headquarters’ Hall that showed the stories of the two IFPA’s ambassadors.
Through the whole week, Almirall kept having social media presence in their own social media channels, presenting not only the campaign, but both ambassadors. The Press Release sent the day before the World Psoriasis Day also helped Almirall spreading the campaign through the main European media.
This 2022 campaign has definitely been a clear success across all channels. We have accomplished to have more than 4.7 Million impacts on Social Media (LinkedIn, Youtube, Instagram), more than 108k Linkedin impressions, over 1.3M press audience, more than 73.5k clicks on the landing page and finally over 3.5k video views.
Let’s keep #SheddingLightonPsoriasis united to transform the world of people living with psoriasis!