Join now

Raise awareness, understanding and hope. Every day, people living with psoriatic disease face immense barriers in society, including in the healthcare system, at work, in school and in social relations. This leads to missed opportunities in life, which could have been prevented. Take action and break these barriers!

Congratulations for leading this critical work. We can see the new and evolving direction of travel that reflects the changing external environment. We are very pleased and proud to partner with you in the next phase of IFPA’s growth.

Susan Frade & Monia Steenackers


IFPA provides a vast network of support for patients and organizations worldwide.

IFPA Member

So excited about the work being done around IFPA’s vision for the future and identifying the next “North Star.” IFPA continues to keep thing moving despite the pandemic and all the challenges arising from it.

Cathy Ferrone


In terms of the global advocacy, IFPA really helps to strengthen our stand about psoriatic disease as an NCD. IFPA is connected with its members through their digital efforts in bridging the gap between IFPA and members.

IFPA Member


Stop prejudice, stigma and discrimination

Become a Member

Psoriatic disease can be psychologically devastating. Many people living with psoriatic disease experience prejudice, stigma, and discrimination. Raising awareness improves understanding of the disease burden and the quality of life is vastly improved when people living with psoriatic disease gain access to proper diagnosis and treatment.
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Become A Partner

As partners, you are continuously updated on the work that we do. You are invited to take part in seminars, member meetings, and campaigns. Through the partnership program, you enable our important mission to, unite, strengthen and lead the global psoriatic disease community.
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Start a new Organization

IFPA works with and through member associations to drive positive change for people living with psoriatic disease, everywhere. This includes supporting the formation of new patient organizations in countries where none exist.
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Support IFPA

Join us in the fight against psoriatic disease. Together we are stronger. Together we can improve the lives of all people affected by psoriatic disease! Support our cause by a donation.
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Apply for Project Funding

IFPA supports members and advocates around the world fighting to make a difference in the lives of people living with psoriatic diseaes. Explore funding options to get your project off the ground.

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Event Calendar

See what's coming up for IFPA and in the psoriatic disease space? Will we see you at our next event? Click for details.