Dominican Republic celebrates Access for all in WPD 2023

09 November 2023

By Steffanie Camilo

The Foundation to Support Patients with Psoriasis (Funapapso) held its annual event to provide guidance and information to patients with this health condition and their families.

The event was held in the HOMS conference room, within the framework of celebrating World Psoriasis Day by the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations (IFPA).

Dr. Rosa Tertulién, founder and visionary of Funapapso, opened the speaker session that began with the dissertation of Dr. Steffanie Camilo on the topic “Access for all and global health coverage.”

Doctors Ivonne Canto and Jossiel Then spoke about “How do I know that I have psoriatic arthritis?”, and the person in charge of the Health Plan Review and Design Department of the Superintendence of Health and Occupational Risks, Dr. Erika Sánchez, presented the topic “Access to medications in Family Health Insurance: evolution and challenges".

Also speaking were Dr. Rosa Díaz, head of Pharmacy at the High-Cost Department of the José María Cabral y Báez Hospital about the FAQs regarding the application process and maintenance of the program, and Lic. Jefrey Lizardo, general director of the Single Beneficiary System (Siuben) spoke about "Comprehensive social protection in health in the Dominican Republic".

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