International Patient Experience Summit of Psoriasis and Arthritis 2022

11 February 2022

By Mustafa Yildirim

We are a Patient Association: Psoriasis Patients Solidarity Association Turkey

We came to life in 2010. We are a non profit civil society force working in the public interest, consisting of patients and their relatives.

We are a member of IFPA that fights psoriasis.

We are an organization that has been trying to raise awareness about psoriasis since the day we were founded.

We represent people living with psoriatic disease in our country. We organize scientific, social, and cultural activities related to the disease.

We are working to raise awareness of all health institutions, specialists and all segments of society related to the disease.

We support patients and their relatives with the 'health for all' approach.

We develop projects for better solutions in the field of health and defend the rights of patients.

We started psoriasis and arthritis patient experience activities at the international level.

October 29 is known as World Psoriasis Day all over the world. Since 2017, we have been holding national and international events specially for this day.

We held the first summit on October 26, 2017 , in Istanbul. At the patient experience summit, we hosted Mr. Lars Ettarp, the president of IFPA, of which our association is a member, as well as representatives from many countries.

We contribute to the sharing of international knowledge and experience in the field of disease through the events we organize at the national and international level.

By inviting patients and their relatives to our seminars, we contribute to their experience and knowledge in the field.

Summit 2022 is in the city of Mardin

This year's stop of our biennial international event is Mardin, a cultural wonder and an ancient city.

Who's Attending?

  • Ministry of Health and Public representatives
  • IFPA Representatives
  • Representatives of national and international patient associations and health institutions
  • Physicians, academics and healthcare professionals who are experts in their fields
  • Representatives of public and private health institutions
  • Local government representatives

What's in the Program?

  • Sessions to discuss psoriasis, quality of life and patient experiences,
  • Panels on new approaches to treatment
  • Visits to local governments and health institutions
  • City tour

Would you like to support our event?

  • You can join our event by registering.
  • You can provide speakers on behalf of your institution.
  • You can be a speaker on topics that concern your individual expertise.
  • You can provide corporate sponsorship support.
  • You can introduce us.

We are waiting for you!

As a patient association, we strive for people living with psoriatic disease within the scope of our possibilities. We invite you to join us in this effort.

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