Global Psoriasis Atlas: a year in summary

18 December 2020


After another successful year, it is our privilege to share some of the key highlights from the Global Psoriasis Atlas in 2020. This year, the GPA launched Phase II, which will run from 2020-2023. We have highlighted some of the key milestones from 2020 that will improve care for people living with psoriasis globally.

May 2020

The GPA’s systematic analysis is published in the British Medical Journal. It is the most comprehensive data on the epidemiology of psoriasis and the methodological framework for the Atlas. A second paper explores the prevalence of psoriasis, changes over time and how psoriasis varies with age and between genders. Both research studies greatly augment knowledge about the burden of psoriatic disease.

August 2020

8 new national coordinators are appointed in Latin America. These national coordinators will expand research in the area and support the GPA’s regional coordinators. They will also work closely with patient associations in each respective country.

October 2020

The GPA website turns one year old on World Psoriasis Day. The GPA works closely with PsoProtect and IFPA to reach out to members, creating a series of video testimonies sharing the experience of people living with psoriasis during the pandemic.

November & December 2020

The Global Psoriasis Atlas attends this year’s IFPA regional member meetings. Prof Ncoza Ndlova, regional coordinator in the Africa, outlines achievements from the GPA pilot project in Tanzania, and shares the GPA’s plans to expand focus in the African Region. Prof. Jacek Szepietowski presents progress and responds to questions from European members. Both speakers engage with IFPA members regarding next steps.

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