IFPA’s statement at the 2023 United Nations Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response
10 May 2023
IFPA speaks up: do not leave people with psoriatic disease behind
The Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response is the preparatory meeting ahead of the United Nations High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response taking place during the United Nations General Assembly in September 2023.
The Multi-stakeholder Hearing and the High-Level Meeting aim at keeping up the political momentum and commitment to avoid a repetition of the tragedy caused by COVID-19 in the future.
IFPA is particularly concerned about the lack of attention that noncommunicable diseases such as psoriatic disease received during the COVID-19 pandemic. We fear that vulnerable individuals such as people living with psoriatic disease would be left behind if a new health emergency occurs. As we have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic,
Therefore, we urge governments to build resilient health systems that can provide continuity of care for those living with non-communicable diseases such as psoriatic disease even during health emergencies.

IFPA's statement
The International Federation of Psoriasis Associations welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a trying time for those living with non-communicable diseases such as psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. People living with life-long, incurable NCDs, such as psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis, have been profoundly impacted by this health emergency. Research data and direct testimonies from people living with NCDs show the difficulties of accessing health care services, obtaining appointments with health care providers, and procuring the medications needed to keep the diseases under control. The lack of care experienced by the people during the pandemic will have negative long-lasting consequences for the individuals living with NCDs, for health systems, and for countries’ health expenditures.
If we want to regain the lost ground towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals and stand better prepared to face future health emergencies, we need to make sure that policies adopted to build back from the COVID-19 pandemic take into account the millions of people living with NCDs, including those suffering from chronic diseases that are not currently represented by the indicators for Sustainable Development Goal 3 target 3.7, but nevertheless represent 55% of the global NCD burden.
The International Federation of Psoriasis Associations strongly encourages governments to ensure that health systems are resilient and capable of facing health emergencies, where people living with NCDs such as psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis can have access to treatment and care and do not become collateral damage in the fight against future pandemics. The International Federation of Psoriasis Associations, as a patient association, is equipped to support Member States of the United Nations and invested stakeholders in achieving this ambitious goal.