IFPA’s statement at the 2023 United Nations Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Universal Health Coverage
10 May 2023
People living with psoriatic disease risk of falling into poverty to pay for their treatment and care. Do not let that happen.
The Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Universal Health Coverage is the preparatory meeting ahead of the second United Nations High-Level Meeting on Universal Health Coverage taking place during the United Nations General Assembly in September 2023.
This second High-Level Meeting is the chance for governments to renew their commitments to advance Universal Health Coverage. Despite the progress, half of the world population still doesn’t have full coverage of essential health services, thus is at risk of falling into poverty when accessing the health services and treatments they need. As care and treatment for psoriatic disease are life-long, and since psoriatic disease is linked to a variety of comorbid diseases, our community is particularly vulnerable to experience poverty due to the high costs of health care.
IFPA unites to the international non-communicable disease community and asks governments to:
- INVEST in the prevention and control of NCDs through adequate, predictable, and sustained resources for UHC.
- ACCELERATE UHC implementation by including quality NCD prevention and care services in country UHC health benefit packages.
- ALIGN development and global health priorities to achieve UHC.
- ENGAGE people living with NCDs to keep UHC people-centered.

IFPA's statement
The International Federation of Psoriasis Associations welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the Multi-stakeholder Hearing on Universal Health Coverage.
The achievement of Universal Health Coverage is the primary way to reduce the burden of disease for those suffering from chronic incurable non-communicable diseases, such as psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. As it’s the case for other life-long conditions, psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis do not occur in isolation but are associated with an increased risk of developing other life-threatening conditions. The treatments and care for these diseases are often life-long and costly, and people risk falling into poverty when such treatments are not subsidized by universal health coverage schemes.
If governments want to achieve the goals and targets related to Universal Health Coverage and the political commitments made in 2019, more progress is needed. Therefore, the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations unites with the international non-communicable disease community and asks to:
- INVEST in the prevention and control of NCDs through adequate, predictable, and sustained resources for UHC.
- ACCELERATE UHC implementation by including quality NCD prevention and care services in country UHC health benefit packages.
- ALIGN development and global health priorities to achieve UHC.
- ENGAGE people living with NCDs to keep UHC people-centered.
The International Federation of Psoriasis Associations, as a patient association, is equipped to support Member States of the United Nations and invested stakeholders in achieving this ambitious goal.