02 April 2020
As the world faces COVID-19, many people living with psoriasis have questions about their particular risk. Do immunosuppressive drugs make COVID-19 worse? Do psoriasis co-morbidities play a role in COVID-19 outcomes?
With this in mind, IFPA is pleased to partner with PsoProtect. PsoProtect is an “international registry for health care providers to report outcomes of COVID-19 in individuals with psoriasis.” The registry is an international effort to collect de-identified data from health care professionals caring for patients with psoriasis and COVID-19. Care providers are encouraged to report cases of COVID-19 in psoriasis on the PsoProtect website using the PsoProtect case report form. The form takes 5 minutes to complete, and the information collected will inform clinicians so that they may better assess risk and recommend treatment not only for people with psoriasis, but also for other immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Many people with psoriasis will be interested to understand how factors such as immunomodulator therapies and co-morbidities affect outcomes for people with psoriasis who contract COVID-19. We will also have better indications of whether people with psoriasis constitute a high-risk group when it comes to COVID-19, and what that means for the length of isolation and other protective plans.
To date, there have been 44 cases reported from 7 countries. As more reports are collected, we will gain valuable insight into the reality of overcoming COVID-19 while living with psoriasis. You can view the reported cases at psoprotect.org.
The cases of COVID-19 and psoriasis must be reported by health care providers caring for people with psoriasis and COVID-19. We call upon our network of patient organizations and advocacy groups to bring this registry to the attention of dermatologists and psoriasis health care providers in your area. Individuals can ask dermatologists to report their cases of COVID-19 in psoriasis via the PsoProtect website. Reach out to any other organizations you are affiliated with to encourage their participation in PsoProtect. We should move fast to collect this data and develop recommendations to relieve people with psoriasis during this challenging time.
Visit the psoprotect.org for more information about the registry and its partners.
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