In Our Voices

Psoriatic disease does not discriminate. At least 60 million people around the world are living with this illness. They represent every nation, every race, every gender and age. In these articles, you will find bold, beautiful stories about embracing life with psoriatic disease.


Read our stories

These heroes are making a difference by raising awareness of psoriatic disease and its impact.

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    Psoriasis story

    Hii it's shakshi kawad I m having psoriasis from past 20 yrs and till date I m suffering
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    One of Many

    Hi there, My name is Alina Vue, I’m 23 years old from Colorado, USA.
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    Living with psoriasis

    I am Vicky, an Indonesian university student.
  • What's your story?

    Join us in raising awareness. Share your experience.

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    Learning to love my self and to live with psoriasis

    I am a 34 years old island girl from Puerto Rico who was diagnosed in 2021 with guttate psoriasis.
  • Pat Photo 1


    At aged 8 years the symptoms of a skin condition appeared – red, dry, itchy, cracking patches which slowly increased in size and spread over 90% of my body including my scalp. It was diagnosed as eczema and then psoriasis. I recall that we kids rubbing ointment on red patches on my father’s back without having heard of a diagnosis. It was, however, confined to his back. This pointed to a bloodline curse which needed to be broken.

    Through the years I put my head on my mother’s lap while she lifted the scales off my scalp with a comb and rubbed in coal tar in heb preparation. I remained an outpatient of the provincial hospitals. At age 30+ my skin became severe and I was hospitalised on 2 occasions for a 2 week period each time for treatment with dithranol. I experienced relief but flare ups followed.

    My dress attire was conservative – closed necks, long sleeves and pants as people would stare and not understand. My bodily movements were at times restrictive as my skin would crack and bleed. I would respond to severe itching at night with scratching leading to bleeding and rawness of the skin. Silvery scales scattered on my shoulders, falling hair, painful arthritis in one finger, medical aid which did not recognise psoriasis as a chronic condition, were all part of my humiliation.

    The dermatologists at the time quite coarsely broke the news that there is no cure and that I would have to live with it for the rest of my life. It was a very harsh sentence passed down to a child with her whole life ahead of her. It was a psychologically numbing experience. Though there were periods of relief, the threat of a flare up was always so intimidating.

    It was the culmination of this psychologically and physically impairing experience of 25+ years long that I could no longer live with the sadness of this heart wrenching, debilitating skin disease. A significant day dawned for me whereby I knelt in surrender to my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and told him that I could no longer live with the disease and the quality of life it encompassed and I asked Him to heal me or take me eternally home. My footsteps were ordered to PUVA treatment over a period of time. The psoriasis never returned except for my nails and scalp as I did not regrettably shave my hair to expose it to the light treatment.

    Today I am still trusting the Lord for the complete healing of my nails and scalp and hair fall. My nails remained pitted until during lockdown when I was boosting my immune system with vitamin D3 & zinc that I witnessed my nails growing out healthy.

    I do believe that when we come to the end of ourselves, the opportunity arises for the supernatural to take place. My faith remains powerfully in place and prayer is my constant companion. I am asked the question as to why I received a permanent healing with PUVA as the norm is that psoriasis returns after a while. My answer is, the Lord chose to heal my skin as I put my faith and trust in Him.

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    Let me start by introducing myself.

    My name is Noor Lakay. I am a 61-year-old male. I live in South Africa and I am of Muslim Coloured descent.

    I am a patient at Grootte Schuur Hospital Dermatology Clinic. I suffer from a chronic health condition that impacts the body’s largest organ, namely the skin. I was diagnosed with Psoriasis at the age of thirty. Yes, that was thirty-one years ago.

  • Leigh Anne photo shoot

    My Daughter and I

    My name is Annie. I'm a parent to a daughter who has psoriasis, and I have psoriasis myself.

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    My Journey with Psoriasis

    I am from South Africa, and I was diagnosed with psoriasis at 16 years old.

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    My Psoriasis Journey

    Hi. My name is Vivienne Oliver aged 60 years.

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    My South African story

    My name is Gadija Adams. I am 41 years of age and have suffered from psoriasis over the last 5 years.

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    My journey with psoriasis

    My name is Yazeed Adams and this is my journey with psoriasis.

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    I am a psoriasis warrior.

    My name is Sharlene and I am a psoriasis warrior.

  • Tamsin

    My scars do not define me. I am unique and marked for greatness!

    My name is Tamsin October from Athlone, Cape Town. I am 36 years old. I work as a community development practitioner with young people and children

  • Miss Amazing

    A little story about Sofia Lovi

    I’ve been diagnosed with Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis at the age of 12 and recently with Fibromyalgia Syndrome.

  • Jay Sculpture

    I Don't Have a Choice

    My name is Jaypragsan Moodley. I'm 43 years old from Phoenix Durban and I live with psoriasis.