Act, Amplify, and Align

10 March 2021


A new strategic plan for the IFPA Coalition

The IFPA Coalition (formerly known as the Global Psoriasis Coalition) is embarking on a new journey. Established in the aftermath of the World Health Organizations’ Resolution on Psoriasis and Global Report on Psoriasis, the IFPA Coalition is a program uniting stakeholders across borders and across sectors to align messages and advocate together for people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

The IFPA Coalition’s goal in the period 2018-2020 was to promote psoriasis in the non-communicable diseases policy agenda. Over the years, the IFPA Coalition has organized side-events in connection with the World Health Assembly and the United Nations General Assembly to raise the profile of psoriatic disease at the international level. Publications on non-communicable diseases, primary care and universal health coverage made by the IFPA Coalition are openly available on

The new strategic plan 2021-2023 focuses on increasing the understanding of the societal impact of psoriatic disease, and on how well health systems are equipped to meet patient care needs. The IFPA Coalition will publish reports, best practice and toolkits for advocacy based on the recommendations of the Global Report on Psoriasis and of the Coalition’s Psoriatic Disease Response Index. We want to equip regional communities with best practice resources for integrated care of psoriatic disease.

We look forward to this new journey! Our ambition is that the Coalition will serve IFPA and its membership in the best way as a true agent of change.

Learn more about the IFPA Coalition at:

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