News Latest Research, Care and Treatment
PsOlve: Open call to join the Innovation Challenge to improve holistic management and long-term wellbeing of people living with psoriasisCOMORBIDITY: A Global Healthcare Study in Chile
12 April 2023
Over 60% of people living with psoriasis had comorbidities. Obesity, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, and depression are the most common.
What was the aim of the study?
This study looked at the comorbidities of 598 adult patients with psoriasis in Chile. The authors also aimed to see if there was a relationship between comorbidities and the severity of psoriasis.
What did the study show in Chile?
Among people living with psoriasis in Chile, the study showed that
- 48.5% had mild psoriasis while 51.4% had moderate to severe psoriasis.
- The most common type of psoriasis was plaque psoriasis (90.2%).
- Among the participants, 27.3% of patients had psoriatic arthritis.
What about comorbidities? Were there some that were more common?
- The study also observed that 60.2% of patients had comorbidities.
- These comorbidities included obesity, hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, and depression being the most common.
- The study showed that those with moderate to severe psoriasis were more likely to have obesity, diabetes, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease than those with mild psoriasis.
- The findings suggest assessing patients with psoriasis for comorbidities in a multidisciplinary setting is essential.
- A call to action to ensure that all people living with similar levels of comorbidities to those in Western Europe and should have access to regular assessment is needed
IFPA recognizes the effort of the Global HealthCare Study team - the findings have been instrumental in emphasizing the significance of multidisciplinary care
Valenzuela F, De La Cruz C, Lecaros C, Fernández J, Hevia G, Maul LV, Thyssen JP, Vera-Kellet C, Egeberg A, Armijo D, Pizarro C, Riveros T, Correa H, Guglielmetti A, Didaskalu J, Wu JJ, Griffiths CEM, Romiti R, Maul JT. Comorbidities in Chilean Psoriasis Patients - a Global Healthcare Study on Psoriasis. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2022 Aug 21. doi: 10.1111/ced.15384
Read the full paper here on: Clinical and Experimental Dermatology

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