GPP Charter

27 February 2023


In 2022, Boehringer Ingelheim hosted a multistakeholder GPP Forum to instigate positive change for people living with generalized pustular psoriasis (GPP). these stakeholders collaborated to write a charter. The GPP Charter identifies common goals to enable people living with GPP the freedom to live the life they choose.

The Charter unites the community living with and working for GPP under a set of agreed principles to improve and change the current status quo. Through the co-creation of this charter, the views from multi-stakeholder perspectives have been considered to ensure a consistent and effective call to action for positive change across all sectors of society.

The Charter takes into consideration how GPP, a rare skin disease, can have both physical and emotional impacts on people living with the condition. Outlined below are the steps to make positive change and maintain momentum in driving GPP up the agenda.

Agreed Calls to Action

  1. Increase GPP awaeness as a rare, unpredictable, and life-threatening autoinflammatory, systemic disease that is distinct from plaque psoriasis
  2. Improve accurate and timely diagnosis by a dermatologist expert in GPP by setting benchmarks for the identification, management and long-term care of GPP
  3. Drive education around the need for appropriate and specific treatment of GPP
  4. Establish excellence in support services to connect the GPP community and improve the patient experience

Read the GPP Charter

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