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Rare Disease Day 2025
30 December 2023
The International Psoriasis Council (IPC), has released an infographic to assist patients in preparing for their teledermatology appointments, guiding them on properly taking photos of skin lesions. Check out the full infographic for the detailed patient resource, now available in English and Spanish.
Why Telemedicine? Why Now?
There are limitations in teledermatology in many parts of the world. The infographics are adapted for use in different populations.
The increased use of telemedicine in the realm of psoriasis care saw a notable high use during COVID-19 pandemic, and the need to find alternative ways to in-person visits for both patients and healthcare providers.
It's essential to acknowledge that telemedicine may not be universally applicable to all psoriasis patients, particularly those dealing with severe conditions that demand frequent or specialized medical attention. In such instances, traditional in-person care might remain indispensable.
Despite the numerous advantages telemedicine brings to psoriasis patients, there exist inherent challenges. These include potential technical glitches, privacy apprehensions, and constraints in executing specific medical procedures remotely. Striking a balance between the advantages and hurdles is crucial for optimizing the effectiveness of telemedicine in psoriasis care.
Click to Download the Telemedicine Resources
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Rare Disease Day 2025
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