We are going live!

6th World Psoriasis & Psoriatic Arthritis Conference

15 June 2020


We are glad to share with you the new website for the 6th World Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Conference 2021 (WPPAC). The meeting is planned to take place in-person at the Waterfront Congress center in Stockholm, Sweden from July 1-3, 2021. IFPA is closely monitoring the ongoing pandemic and will provide updates as appropriate in line with health authorities’ recommendations.

The WPPAC 2021 is a great opportunity for researchers, patient experts, advocates, and other stakeholders around the globe to come together and share the latest knowledge and insights on psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis. The theme for this conference is CONNECTED, INFORMED, and UNITED to improve multidisciplinary care for people with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.

We welcome our members and partners to visit the newly launched world conference website, which will contain updates on the conference program, abstracts, and supporters’ section. You can also read welcome letters from Conference president and Scientific Executive Committee Chair Prof. Dr. med. Ulrich Mrowietz and IFPA president Dr. Hoseah Waweru. Visit the webpage at ifpaworldconference.com.

You can contact us with questions or comments at info@ifpa-pso.com


Waterfront Conference Center, photo by Stockholm Tourism Board