30 November 2021
What is IDEOM?
The International Dermatology Outcomes Measures (IDEOM) initiative is a non-profit that aims to develop evidence-based outcome measurements. These outcome measures are helpful to understand better the impact of treatment for people living with psoriatic disease.
Who are the IDEOM stakeholders?
The key stakeholders include physicians, industries, insurers, government representatives, and patient research partners within multiple workgroups in the dermatologic areas. These include Psoriatic Disease, Hidradenitis suppurativa, acne pyoderma gangrenosum, and actinic keratosis. This year's annual meeting had, among others, IFPA member associations represented by Europso and Pan-American regional representatives, including members from Epidemia Greece, Psoriasisforeningen Denmark, and National Psoriasis Foundation, USA.
Summary IDEOM Scientific Meeting 2021
Psoriasis Workgroup updates
The workgroup led by April Armstrong (MD, PhD) aims to develop and validate outcome measures tools for psoriasis and focus on measuring treatment satisfaction. The treatment satisfaction instrument will meet accepted standards for Patient-Reported Outcomes.
The treatment satisfaction instrument measures the core items, including Effectiveness, Convenience, Overall treatment satisfaction, and Adverse effects. The psoriasis workgroup members, including patients, held a voting session to evaluate the treatment satisfaction tool. The next steps will include validation studies of the satisfaction tool across different populations living with psoriasis.
Read more on the importance of Patient-reported outcomes (PRO) below
Psoriatic Arthritis / Musculoskeletal (MSK) Workgroup Updates
There are many unmet needs and challenges in the early diagnosis of Psoriatic Arthritis. There is a need for validated musculoskeletal (MSK) instruments for use in the early detection of Psoriatic Arthritis.
The Psoriatic Arthritis Workgroup led by Alice Gottlieb (MD, PhD), Joseph Merola (MD, MMSc), Lourdes Perez-Chada (MD, MMSc ) had separate sessions with patient research partners among other stakeholders. The sessions aimed to discuss how to improve the content of the IDEOM MSK tool.
The IDEOM – MSK 8 questionnaire will assess not only psoriatic arthritis (MSK) symptoms but includes emotional distress, sleep disturbance and impact on work and leisure activities.
Muskuloskeletal symptoms (MSK) workgroups are set up to support the development of an instrument used to screen psoriatic arthritis symptoms early.
Follow the link to find out more about the Psoriatic Disease Workgroups IDEOM
Save the date for IDEOM 2022: June 17-18, 2022, in Washington, DC!
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